Photo: Elena Tyutina

Born in 1946.
Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at Toho University and entered the medical office of the Department of Neuropsychiatry at Keio University.
Majored in social psychiatry.
After working in Peru as a medical specialist for Japan International Cooperation Agency, in 1990 he Opened the Takahashi Clinic in Tokyo.
In addition to working on regional psychiatric care with a focus on day care and home-visit nursing, he has been focusing on psychological consultation and mental health care for business people, including being a respondent to the telephone life consultation service of Nippon Broadcasting Corporation for over 15 years.
He is also well-know as a collector of Japanese contemporary art with a collection of over 2000 art works.
President of Kokoronokai Medical Corporation.


ONBEAT vol.11 and vol.12, vol.13 features Ryutaro Takahashi

In our series, Takahashi shares his insight on the gem from his collection.

”Yayoi Kusama Never Stops Fighting”
ONBEAT vol.15 introduces Yayoi Kusama

”Eternal journey of phenomenon and substance ”
ONBEAT vol.14 introduces Aiko Miyanaga

”Affordance Drawing”
ONBEAT vol.13 introduces Hiraku Suzuki

”Peeling the Skin of the Earth”
ONBEAT vo.12 introduces Tomoko Konoike

Expression through paradox”
ONBEAT vol.11 inroduces Izumi Kato