・Painting on silk

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I make silk paintings with nihonga pigments that depict the power and phenomena of things invisible to the eye.
I paint the gods and creatures from old Japan in an exploration of the spirit of people who anthropomorphized supernatural phenomena.
To make these motifs more identifiable to the viewer, I imbue the works with empathy and the kind of charm that invites a laugh.
I also paint things like fantasy animals, humans, plants, and sceneries.
I like an antique-feel reminiscent of old Japanese artmaking techniques, ink washes, and old Chinese painting, and I often paint atop a surface that I have purposefully stained to exude the weightiness and depth that comes with time.
I often investigate sixth-sense accounts and collect old folklore stories, and instill them in my paintings.

Shiki Taira

Born in Tokyo in 1990.
Tokyo University of the Arts and Music, M.A, Design in 2015.
Held numerous solo exhibitions including “Shiki Taira” at Seibu Ikebukuro / Tokyo in 2018.
Participated to various group exhibitions and Art Fair including “Art Fair Tokyo” in 2018 and 2019, “Thirty-four Views of Mount Fuji of Heisei” at Seibu Ikebukuro / Tokyo, “Hyakki Yagyo” at Geidai Art Plaza / Tokyo in 2019.
Collaborated with fashion brand “STRAWBERRY-FIELDS.”

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