A bilingual art magazine that introduces Japanese art and culture, focusing on contemporary art, architecture, fashion, music, and other aspects of Japanese art and culture without borders in both Japanese and English.
“ONBEAT vol. 21”

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Featured Interviews and Articles

《Interview》Chiharu Shiota

Berlin based artist Chiharu Shiota will hold her large-scale solo exhibition in her birthplace Osaka for the first time in 16 years. The exhibition titled “CHIHARU SHIOTA, I to EYE” will attempt to approach the “connection” with others, which humanity has become undeniably aware of due to the worldwide spread of infectious diseases, through the three “Ai” – “I,” “eye,” and “ai (love)”. In this interview, we got to the core of Shiota’s creative activities where she has been questioning “what it means to live” and “what it means to exist”.

《ARTICLE》Rei Naito

An exhibition by artist Rei Naito, “Rei Naito: come and live – go and live,” is being held in collaboration with the Tokyo National Museum and Fondation d’entreprise Hermès. The exhibition started at the Tokyo National Museum on June 25 (until September 23) and is connected to her solo exhibition with the same title at Ginza Maison Hermès Le Forum, which started on September 7, overlapping the exhibition dates. The exhibition, which links the 2 museums and develops a large circular ring, will bring us closer to the world of Rei Naito.

《Interview》Kavka Shihihdo

Since her debut in 2012, Kavka Shishido has been energetically expanding her career as a musician with her rare singing drummer style. She has also started acting recently. We interviewed Kavka Shishido, who is constantly challenging herself in new areas, such as directing “el tempo,” a rhythm project that involves improvising rhythms with hand signs.


“Hyper Subject Art Report” by Yuko Hasegawa / vol.08“New Ecology”

Yuko Hasegawa is a curator who has successfully led numerous projects at biennials and museums in both Japan and abroad. In the eighth episode of this series, we interviewed Hasegawa on the theme of ecology and will introduce exhibitions curated by her, “The Forest Festival of the Arts Okayama: Clear-skies Country” and “Dancing with Everything: Ecology of Empathy,” in an expanded edition.

“Value of the Contemporary Art of Japan” by Ryutaro Takahashi / vol.11“A Personal View of Japanese Contemporary Art”

The Takahashi Ryutaro Collection by Ryutaro Takahashi, a psychiatrist and contemporary art collector, contains a lot of early works and later-masterpieces of big names in the world of contemporary art and is now indispensable to discuss Japanese contemporary art. In this 11th issue, we interviewed Ryutaro Takahashi and asked him about his collection exhibition now held in the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo.

“Worth preserving for the 22nd century” by Nobuyuki ‘Nobi’ Hayashi / vol.05 “How art inspired Steve Jobs’ production”

How has art inspired people and changed the world? This is Nobuyuki ‘Nobi’ Hayashi’s series of articles with all new title and style. In this issue, we will unravel the relationship between art and Steve Jobs, the pioneer of the smartphone revolution and whom I have been paying close attention to after he founded his company in 1977. Let’s take a look at what artworks inspired this visionary entrepreneur who continued to pioneer a new era, inspire people, and change the world.

“Fashion, Art and traditional Craft” by Yoshiko Ikoma / vol.02“The Source and Futuer of Fashion”

Yoshiko Ikoma is a fashion journalist, art producer, and traditional crafts development producer who has been proposing a new generation lifestyle based on culture and ethics, from fashion, art, traditional crafts, and design to social contribution and Cool Japan. This series introduces notable creators and topics selected by Ikoma’s point of view, who has a variety of experiences in various genres. In the second edition, Ikoma will consider the essence of fashion with 2 films DUST TO DUST and Shizuri.


《Interview》 Osaka Art & Design × DESIGNART TOKYO Akio Aoki

“DESIGNART TOKYO,” Japan’s largest design and art festival, will be held under the theme of “Reframing– the Beginning of a Shift” this year. In addition, this year’s “Osaka Art & Design”,  which DESIGNART comprehensively produced and launched last year in Osaka, ended successfully. We interviewed Akio Aoki, CEO of DESIGNART, which leads both events.

《Interview》Masahiko Minami

Masahiko Minami paints universal and fundamental landscapes with room for viewers to project their memories and mind. We interviewed Masahiko Minami, winner of the “Ronin | Globus | Onbeat Artist-in-Residence Program” in 2024, before and after his 1 month residency and solo exhibition in New York this summer.


MARINO. expresses her inspiration from nature in the form of semi-3-dimensional paintings. The artist, who says, “I would like to continue to challenge myself to depict the time of nature,” talked about her past progress and expression.

In addition, our popular limited sales plan “Featured Young Artists Recommended by ONBEAT” features talented works of up-and-coming young artists. 

Artist:ALAYA、Kazusa Anazawa、Kohei Arano、Shoko Hirose、Natsuko Iwasaki、Aine Jo、Yuji Kanamaru、Yusuke Kitsukawa、Mitsuko Kuroki、Daichi Matsushita、MOYAN、Daiki Nishimura、Shun Sato | SOYOGI BONSAI_ART、Hideo Takashima、Yutaka Ura、Saeko Utsumi

Online Artwork Sales: https://studio.onbeat.co.jp/artist-category/onbeatvol21/